"Reached" - Plague, Love and Cassias Crafting-club :D - Chapter 10-18

There was not really much going on during the last 70 pages, but it's so hot outside right now that I had to take a break from reading. So why not post a blog entry?

A few months have passed and the Plague is thought to be under control. The Rising has taken over and most things are back to normal, though rules have been loosened. Cassia spends most of her free time with the Archivists. She is now working as a Trader for them, which means she can trade with regular people in the name of the Archivists and has some privilegs. But she believes, that the creative work of regular people should be appriciated, so, together with an aquaintance, she sets up a place called "the Gallery", where everyone can come to and expose their own artwork, means poems, stories, paintings, etc.. Some people even sing there from time to time.

One day during Xander's shift at the medical center, there are patients brought that show strange symptoms. Giant red marks, all over the torso, an enlargement of the spine and one of them coughs blood and dies afterward. The diagnosis is, that the virus has mutated and the original immunization doesn't work any longer. However, those who have contracted the original virus from the first Plague, are immune to it. Xander for example is immune, a friend of his, Lei, isn't. The patients have been put in quarantine, it is not yet known if the Cure works for the mutation. (Well, I suppose it won't!)

Ky is flying around, transporting supplies, as usual. It seems like Indie has now fallen in love with him or something, because she kisses him once they are alone. Of course he backs away immediately, because he likes Cassia and blah blah blah. And I also think there is something going on between Xander and Lei (if she doesn't die because of the Plague...).

There was not much happening, but it's not boring (yet). I expect there to be more problems coming up - I mean the Rising took over control a little TOO easily, I think it's unlikely that the revolution is already finished. And I don't really see the goal of Cassia´s little crafting-club. Sure, people begin to get creative again and actually do something which they weren't allowed to during the time of the Society. But maybe that will have some kind of use later in the story...


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