"Reached" - Towards a beautiful future :) - Chapter 52-63 (END!)

The three of them return to the society and help spreading the new cure. It works perfectly and many lifes can be saved, though some already had to die. Cassia's father died from the mutated plague, but her mother is transportet to Camas with Bram, where they live now, and can be cured. Xanders parents are safe as well and his friend, Lei, can be cured too. Only Ky is not that lucky: his (adoptive) parents are nowhere to be found and Indie died from the plague as well.

Xander thinks of going to the otherlands together with some of the people from the mountains, but can't do it in the end. He stays in the mountains together with Lei and writes Cassia a letter that he will return someday.
A few weeks later there is a vote - the first one since a long time ago. All people over the age of seventeen can go there and choose between the Society, represented by an Official, the Rising, represented by the Pilot, and Anna, (a woman from the mountains, in case I forgot to mention that before) who represents everyone else. Cassia and Ky both vote for Anna and hope for a future where they can live happily together with their remaining family members nearby. What the result of the vote is remains unknown.

After the second book I wasn't sure if I should even try reading the third one, but now that I'm done, I'm glad I did. It really was a beautiful ending, not too cheesy or unrealistic. Though, I would really want to know who wins the vote - but that's left to the readers imagination. Unlike the second book, there were some of these parts, where you just can't put away the book, because it's so exciting! I really liked that almost all open questions have been answered - like, "who put Ky in the matching pool?", "who is the enemy?", or "what's the red garden day memory?" or many more. I didn't mention these in the summary, because they are not really essential for the story.
All in all, I really enjoyed reading (most parts of) this series!


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