"Matched" - Chapter 26 - 32 (END!)

Second post today! Damn, I'm good! (No, actually I'm just lazy as hell and do everything on the day I have to hand it in, but whatever...)

I just want to mention that these are the last few chapters, so if you plan to read the book yourself, I wouldn't read that summary down there (spoilers!)

In the last few chapters the plot reaches its climax. Cassia will soon be assigned for her vocation, that's why she is asked to sort some workers as a test. She is taken to a fabric hall and gets the task to sort the workers after efficienty in two groups: The ones who are better will get a better occupation than the hard, exhausting work they do at the moment and the weaker people will stay there. But to Cassias horror Ky is amongst the workers she has to sort.
She completes the task like she's told, but in the end there is one person left. Ky. He is right in the middle of her list. She knows, that he will probably have a better life when she sorts him in the better group, but he will probably go to another city. She forgets her selfish interests and sorts him there.

Only few days later, the summer activities, means also hiking, are announced to end earlier this year. On the last day of hiking, Ky and Cassia want to finally reach the top of the great hill. They want hiking to continue, because it's the only time they can see each other alone. But they both feel that things will change.
When they reach the top of the hill, Ky gives Cassia his artifact, a compass, which should help her find him wherever they are. In return she gives him the a piece of cloth from the dress she wore at the matching banquet, she traditionally recieved from the society. They finally kiss, but it feels like a goodbye.

The next morning Cassia is woken up by a scream. When she runs out the door she sees Ky, being taken away by some officials with handcuffs on and Ky's aunt screaming in panic. Cassia also panics. She already expected something like this to happen, but all she wants is just to see Ky's eyes one last time. (my gaaawd, really?-.-) She gets the chance to exchange a look with him, right before he gets on the airtrain, that will take him away forever.
His aunt screams that she knows the truth: They won't take him to another province for a better job - they will send him to a war they can't win. And he will die.
The officials calm all people involved and everyone of them should take the red pills, they alwas have to carry around. People don't know what the pill does, but it turns out to erase people's memory of the past 12 hours (that's the uncool form of being geblitzdingst! :D). Cassia destroys her pill. She wants to remember.

The next day her family is informed, that they have to move away, to the farmlands. The reason is seemingly a report Cassia's mother wrote, but I'm not sure if that's the real reason...
Cassia decides, that her goal is to find Ky. No matter what. Xander, who knows about her and Ky in the meantime, isn't mad at her. He gives her a supply of blue pills, that can help her survive and offers her, that she can always come back to him.

Well, that's pretty much the end. Cassia and her family go to the farmlands of an other province and she has a lot of hard work to deal with. But she stays strong.
Since there is also a second and third book to the series, it's not really a satisfying ending ... maybe I will read the next books too (I already have them on my ebook so probably yes ^^).

The final thoughts will come soon ... now I better write the bookreport (5 hours to go!).
Oh, and I have to do something creative too! I kind of forgot about that. I'll definitely not make a videoclip like my teacher suggested ... I'll just draw something - has to be good enough ^^


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