"Matched" - Final thoughts and questions or something like that

To finish the book I am now going to answer the questions we got from our teacher.

Think about what you have learned from the book/what you did not know before. 
   I didn't know the poem from Thomas Dylan that is often quoted in the book! And the book motivates me to wonder myself and question some things about our own society. But you don't really "learn" anything when reading the book ... it's after all fiction and not a physics textbook.

Discuss your favourite/least favourite character.
  My favorite character, at least at the end of the book was Cassia, the main character herself. She goes through the biggest changes and turns from someone swimming with the flow to a rebellious girl, that sees what is wrong with the society and knows what she wants.
There is not really a character in specific I dislike. It is the entire society and all the Officials who are the bad ones in the story. I mean, if they didn't exist there would be no problems. Or even more. Depends.

Discuss your favourite scene. What did you find shocking?
  The sadest scene, that also shocked me was the scene where Cassias grandfather dies. That's the scene where you realize how cruel and controlling the society is. The scene is really emotional, mainly because Cassias grandfather is the kind of character you instantly like from the first moment on.

What makes the most important moment in the story? Give reasons why you think so.
  In my opinion it's the scene at the end, where Ky gets taken away by the officials and Cassia runs after him and afterwards destroys her red pill. It's just a brief scene, but it shows clearly for the first time, that she has made up her mind. She first actually tries to fight, not only inside her mind, but in public for everyone to see.

If you could change the plot, how would you do this?
  Right now I wouldn't change anything because there are two books of the series left where everything can turn out right. Ask me again after I read the next two books. It was the same with "hunger games". After reading the first book, I loved it and everything was good. But after the third book I hated it because every single decision was made wrong, in my opinion!

Which questions would you like to ask the author? 
  How many poems she read until she found the one she finally used in the book...

Discuss what makes the book a page turner/a bore?
  The beginning and the end are really good. The plot is exiting and you want to find out more. But in the middle there is a period of time where NOTHING happens. The story just develops really slow during these chapters and it's a little hard to keep reading, but it's worth it once you come to the end.

Discuss what you think the main message is?
  I will just copy/past that from my bookreport if you don't mind. In my opinion the message of the book is to fight. You should never give up your own ideas and let others suppress you. It is important to wonder and question everything, so nobody can fool you. That's what Cassias grandfather tells her before his death and it is also the message of the forbidden poem he gives her. “Do not go gentle”, like it is said in the poem.

Well, that's it! Thanks for reading this. Maybe I will upload the creative part as well later. I hope I didn't forget anything.


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