"Matched" - Chapter 8-25

I haven't updated this blog for a long time now, which was partly because I thought I had missed the due date, and partly because I was waiting for something important to happen in the book. But that wasn't really the case. So I will now just sum up 17 chapters at once ... excuse me if I forget to mention some things. ^^

The last thing that happened was, that Cassias grandfather died and gave her that piece of paper from the compact. She first doesn't dare to open and look at it. This year she has signed up for hiking as her summer activity because her grandfather used to love hiking. The hikers are lead to a small hill, which they have to hike each person for himself and by the time Cassia is alone out in the woods she finally takes a look at the paper. It is a poem, that tells her to "not go gentle". It's not one of the 100 poems allowed by the society and she knows, that she has to destroy the poem.
But while reading, she hears something move not far away from her. She hurrys to get up and run to the top of the hill. Up to now there are only the official assigned for hiking and Ky, who has also taken hiking, on the top.

The next day she destroys the poem, but tries to remember it. Every time after, when hiking, it continues exactly like that: Cassia finishes second after Ky. She sees, that Ky is writing words in the mud. No one in the community is able to write anymore, but she is curious and convinces him to teach her how to write. The two of them get closer with every day. Cassia finds out that it was Ky who saw her reading the poem in the woods on the first day and she tells him the poem. In return, he tells her his story, which is that he grew up in the outer provinces, but then bad things started to happen, he had to watch his parents die and was sent to live with his aunt. (I don't know the whole story yet...)

One day, the hikers can finally move on to a different hill, which they have to climb in pairs. Cassia is glad that her hiking partner is Ky and the other way around. The get even closer and Cassia sees that she has feelings for him she shouldn't have, because she is already matched with Xander. But at some time she realizes, that she hates that system. She wants to make her own decisions and decide herself, whom she's going to marry or which vocation she wants.
But the officials know about her relationship with Ky and warn her not to get any closer to him. He is an Aberration after all and it will have concequences if they continue. The two of them are more careful now, but can't deny their feelings for each other.

Plus, the society gets even stricter with making every person equal. The collect all the artefacts (like Cassias compact or Brams watch) to exhibit them in the museum, because not everyone had an artefact. Not much later they also decide to cut down all the maple trees in the gardens, because the didn't grow equally.

In my opinion the book is really melodramatic and soppy sometimes. The subjects of the love triangle and especially the one with the forbidden love are often so overused and clichéd. The book is not boring, in contrary, it's just a bit annoying when there is nothing important happening for over a hundred pages.
What saves the book is, that I really love Cassia's character. You can feel, how she develops throughout the book. In the beginning she was just obeying everything the society told her, but slowly she starts questioning some things and gets stronger and more rebellious. That development of the main character is something i really missed in other books of that type (i mean, usually there IS a development in the main character, but usually way too slowly for my taste).

I will probably finish the book today and write the last blog entry today or tomorrow, if I'm too lazy. I heard that there are some questions we have to answer in this blog ... i'll probably do them separatedly ^^

And now I am going to change the title of this blog. "Useless Bookreport Blog with Unicorns, Dragons and stuff" seems a little inaproppriate. Let's see what I can do about that...


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