"Reached" - Back to ze mountains! - Chapter 19-30

One day when Cassia goes to see the Archivists, she is told, that there has been a transport to Camas (that's where Ky and Xander currently are) organised for her. She goes to place where she should take off and meets Indie, who takes Cassia to Camas, where Xander and Ky join her. They finally get to see the Pilot, who wants to talk to them about something while flying them to the mountains.

The Pilot is suspicious towards the three of them because he has been told that they were traitors. Luckily, those were just missunderstandings and Cassia, Xander and Ky agree to help the Pilot in finding a Cure for the mutation of the Plague. That's why they are transportet to a village in the mountains, whose villagers are all immune to the illness. There has been an institute set up for research concerning the mutation and how it can be cured. Xander helps by providing medical information he gathered while working as a medic for the past few weeks and Cassia sorts data for them.

Unfortunately, Ky has been infected with the mutation and has come down with it on the way to the village. There are still chapters written from his point of few, so we know that he can feel, hear and smell, even in this sleep-like state.

... that summary came out shorter than it felt while reading Ô.o. Well, anyway the story is actually pretty cool at the moment! I'm excited to see what happens next, but I've been reading all afternoon long so I decided to take a break. It's good, that there are finally some open questions being answered, although those normally explain little details I have been wondering about, so I don't mention them in the summary. 130 pages to go!


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