"Crossed" - Walking through ze mountains! - Chapter 6-16

He wants to run away to get closer to Cassia and takes his chance one night during a firing. Since he used to live near that village during his childhood, his father once told him what to do in such a case. He takes his friend Vick and a young boy named Eli with him and escapes to the Carving (that's some kind of a huge mountain range). After some days they stumble across an empty town. It seems like the people who lived there haven't been gone for long...

When she opens the piece of paper she received, she finds a story that indicates that there is a organisation somewhere, that rebels against the society.
The next morning Officials arrive at the work camp and take all the aberrations away, to the villages in the war zone. Cassia sees her chance to get closer to Ky and pretends to be an aberration and goes with them. They are transported to a village near the one where Ky was, few days before. She meets a boy who knew Ky and who tells her where she could maybe find him. Together with him and her friend Indie she decides to run away to the Carving, where they separate from the boy again.

The next 100 pages they spend walking around in the Carving searching for each other and the rebellion, called „The Rising“ with nothing much important happening.

Well, the book is "okay". I've read worse. But if I didn't have to push through it that quickly it would probably take way more than a week to read. The problem is, that there are no real mysteries about the Society anymore, you're curious about. Except for the question, who the hell the "enemy" is, there is nothing much left to keep you reading.

Uhhhm ... I'm sorry, that was a pretty boring blog entry. As an apology, have a picture of Batman riding a unicorn. ----------->
. Doesn't have anything to do with the book, but I hope that it will cheer you up.


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