"Crossed" - THEY ARE SO SWEET I THINK I'M GETTING DIABETES -.- - Chapter 17-34

There are about 70 pages left by now ... I'm well on schedule for a change! 1, or maybe 2 posts left ... depends on how much happens in the last chapters.

After walking around in the canyon like for forever, Cassia and Ky finally find each other! Purely coincidental! 
((Well, just to let you know, a few hours before Vick (Ky's friend) died because the Society poisoned the river... but that's irrelevant right now.))

What counts is, that Cassia and Ky are now all lovey-dovey and can't keep their hands off each other for longer than five minutes. Really, the two of them act so corny at times, that I think i got to throw up! Eli and Indie must be annoyed too...

Whatever, their relationship will be ignored from now on. What counts is, now that they have found each other, their next goal is to find the Rising!
Back, when Ky was at the abandoned village, he saw one single house lighted at night, but didn't dare to come closer. Now they decide to go back to the village and try to talk to the one/s in there.
The young man who stayed in the village introduces himself as Hunter. He says that he'll try to help the group in exchange for a little favor: There is a cave near the village, where the Society has built up some kind of a storage. He wants to know, what it is they store inside there.

Next day he leads them to the cave and they enter through a secret tunnel. Cassia knows immediately what is stored there: tissue samples from everyone in the Society (I'm not sure if I mentioned this in the last book summary, but in case I haven't: those are pieces of a humans DNA stored, so he can be revived someday when the technology gets that far).
Hunter gets angry that the Society killed a great part of his village to store their own people her, so he runs around and smashes ALL the samples he can. Well, of course that makes the alarm system go off. IDIOT!

Everyone, except for Hunter, leaves the cave and hurries back to the village. But there was no need to hurry, because there was no sign of people from the society.

Cassia's and Ky's constant love declarations get REALLY annoying after some time! I know, what else did I expect, reading a romance novel? But that stuff doesn't get the plot forward! I just want to find out what's up with the Rising … and the enemy … and what Xander's and Indie's secrets are, that they always talk about.... .___.


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