"Crossed" - IT CONTINUES Ô.Ô - Chapter 1-5
Now that I have finished the first book, our teacher told us to read another book. Well... which one should I take ... UUUHHHM ... ow, I guess I'll just continue the series since I downloaded all three books at once! Good idea. Ok, let's do this sh**.
Well, the date we had to hand this in was ....... yesterday. I started a few hours ago. Uhhh, I'm on schedule as always! Luckily our teacher gave us some more time and I'll finish this until Friday! (....probably)
Prof. Fiechtl is a merciful god!
Whatever, I'll just continue the blog and the summary of the story where the last book stopped. Means I will not explain things again that I already wrote before ... if your memory is so bad you can't remember, your bad.
Well, I've already read like 50 pages but to be honest, nothing much happened until now. What is different from the first book is, that it alternates between Cassia's and Ky's point of few.
Cassia is at a work camp at the moment, somewhere at the border provinces. She's there voluntary because she hoped to get closer to Ky in that way, who is currently in the outer provinces. Ky is in some kind of war zone, where all the aberrations are brought to. But they don't really fight someone there - they only plant crops. I don't know much about it until now, but to me it seems that he is just there to get killed by the enemies. Really dunno why.
Cassia is also somewhere planting crops (WOW, so exciting, loads of people farming, very interesting). One day Xander gets the allowance to come visit her in her current village. Of course they are happy to be reunited, but Xander is still hurt, that Cassia chose Ky over him. She hasn't had the chance to go and search for him yet, mainly because she doesnt know where exactly he is. But during Xanders visit she manages to get a piece of paper in trade for the compass Ky gave to her. (If this seems confusing, forget about it, it's not important how she did that - too lazy to write down everything)
And what she will find on that paper you'll see in the next episode ... uh, i mean blog entry!
The best thing until now is, that there are, unlike the first book, "ll"'s! That was really irritating back then...
I fear that the story won't be as good as in the 1st book, but that's usually the nature of trilogies. I don't really want to say much yet, since I haven't progressed far yet. Let's see what happens in the next few chapters...
Well, the date we had to hand this in was ....... yesterday. I started a few hours ago. Uhhh, I'm on schedule as always! Luckily our teacher gave us some more time and I'll finish this until Friday! (....probably)
Prof. Fiechtl is a merciful god!

Well, I've already read like 50 pages but to be honest, nothing much happened until now. What is different from the first book is, that it alternates between Cassia's and Ky's point of few.
Cassia is at a work camp at the moment, somewhere at the border provinces. She's there voluntary because she hoped to get closer to Ky in that way, who is currently in the outer provinces. Ky is in some kind of war zone, where all the aberrations are brought to. But they don't really fight someone there - they only plant crops. I don't know much about it until now, but to me it seems that he is just there to get killed by the enemies. Really dunno why.
Cassia is also somewhere planting crops (WOW, so exciting, loads of people farming, very interesting). One day Xander gets the allowance to come visit her in her current village. Of course they are happy to be reunited, but Xander is still hurt, that Cassia chose Ky over him. She hasn't had the chance to go and search for him yet, mainly because she doesnt know where exactly he is. But during Xanders visit she manages to get a piece of paper in trade for the compass Ky gave to her. (If this seems confusing, forget about it, it's not important how she did that - too lazy to write down everything)
And what she will find on that paper you'll see in the next episode ... uh, i mean blog entry!
The best thing until now is, that there are, unlike the first book, "ll"'s! That was really irritating back then...
I fear that the story won't be as good as in the 1st book, but that's usually the nature of trilogies. I don't really want to say much yet, since I haven't progressed far yet. Let's see what happens in the next few chapters...
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