"Matched" - Chapter 2-7

I finished reading Chapter 2-7 yesterday and here is what happened until now:

Like expected, Cassia is matched with her best friend Xander. He is a sweet, intelligent and handsome boy and she is glad to be matched with him, although she seems a little disappointed of not getting the chance of being excited about meeting and getting to know someone new, like all the others who got matched with people from other cities.
The next day, after she comes home from work (which is by the way sorting stuff), she has the house by herself and decides to take a look at the microcard about her match, she received before.
Although she already knows almost everything about Xander, she is curious about finding out more. Xander´s face is shown on the screen, but before she can continue reading, something strange happens. The picture changes and shows another boys face, just for a second, and then the screen goes black.
Cassia is shocked and afraid, that there was a mistake with her being matched with Xander.

But as Xander knocks on her door to take her to the gaming hall, as usual, she decides not to tell him about that. Not long after that, an Official, that means someone working for the Society, asks her for a talk about that. The Official tells her, that everything's alright and that she's still matched with Xander. There has been something like a glitch, probably a joke made by someone, which manipulated her microcard.
Cassia tells the Official, that she knows the boy, who was shown. It was someone called Ky Markham, who goes to her school. The Official again, reveals, that Ky couldn't even possibly be matched with someone, because he's an Aberration. Aberrations aren't allowed to be matched, because they, or someone from their family (in Ky's case his father) did something against the society. Cassia promises not to tell anyone, except for her grandpa.

Cassia´s grandpa is about to turn 80, which means, that he will die soon. To be concrete, he will die the next day, on his 80th birthday, like everyone does, because the Society has decided, that that's the optimal age to die. The next day, he has his final banquet, where he and the ones he invites can eat whatever he wants. He decides to have the banquet only consisting of desserts (I like that guy! Exactly what I'd have done!).
After the banquet, Cassia´s grandfather talks to every member of the family seperatedly to say goodbye.
When it's Cassias turn, he gives her the final advice to trust her own words and to wonder.
Plus, Cassia gives him back her grandmother´s compect (which she also had with her during her matching ceremony), and he opens it, takes out a handwritten sheet and gives it back to her. She decides, not to read it yet.
Not much later, he dies with his family gathered around him.

Well, the last two chapters were pretty depressing ... hate it, when a good character dies right in the beginning. So damn sad... -.-
That society, that plans people´s whole life thoroughly  and controls everything, seemingly creating a perfect community, is probably nothing new. I read books with similar settings, like "The giver", which we had to read last year in English class, "Ugly", an amazing book I read that summer or also a bit of "The rebellion of Maddie Freeman", which I however read in German.
Although all these books usually progress really alike, and the ending us vaguely predictable, I kind of like that ideas of future worlds, because I think that it's likely for something like that to actually occur sometimes.

It is said, that the society only chose 100 books, poems and songs from the previous society to keep. I guess that means, that my blogs title will stay wrong the whole book long. -.-
I mean, that boring idiots probably didn't choose books about unicorns or dragons. Sadly.

Means: still no unicorns, still no dragons in the book. I have to admit, I'm a little disappointed by that.


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